Friday, February 11, 2011

Catch of the week 2/11/11

This catch was found on a New York Times article about the Muslim Brotherhood, a large dissident organization in Egypt. They were initially blamed for protests by the government and now they are one of the rising stars in the upcoming democratic politics of Egypt. The catch reads as follows, "... prominent Egyptians and opposition leaders... recognized, as well as a handful of young people who helped start trotest movement." I couldn't believe that I found this on The NEW YORK TIMES website!
The line should read, " As well as a handful of young people who helped start the protest movement."

Favorite Passage of the Week 2/11/11

This passage is a quote from Mohammed El-Baradei, an Egyptian opposition leader within the same New York Times article. His quote reads, "We need a democratic country based on social justice." If only the whole world could be like that and truly stand for what for what they believed in. I hope that this quote is not just another saying rather than a reality. Egypt is confused right now and there is not set leader. The army is in charge but who can be trusted?
Found at

Word of the Week 2/11/11

This week's word is communique which I found in an article about Egypt's president stepping down from power today. A communique is an "official bulletin or communication to the press or the public," as quoted from President Mubarak issued a communique about stepping down after he realized he couldn't hold onto his power.
Link to article.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Headline Editing

My assignment is to edit 12 real news headlines that are mostly grammatically correct but obviously rediculous!

1. If Strike Isn't Settled Quickly, It May Last A While
Revision: Strike Could Become Longterm If Not Settled Quickly

2. Cold Wave Linked to Temperatures
Revision: Recent Cold Temperatures Have Been Widespread

3. London Couple Slain; Police Suspect Homicide
Revision: Police Are Investigating The Death of a London Couple

4. Red Tape Holds Up New Bridge
Revision: New Bridge's Opening Is Delayed

5. Typhoon Rips Through Cemetery; Hundreds Dead
Revision: Hundreds Killed By Typhoon

6. Man Struck By Lightning Faces Battery Charge
Revision: Man Struck By Lightning Faces Jail Sentence

7. New Study of Obesity Looks For Larger Test Group
Revision: New Study of Obesity Seeks More Participants

8. Astronaut Takes Blame for Gas in Spacecraft
Revision: Astronaut Takes Blame for Spacecraft Malfunction

9. Kids Make Nutritious Snacks
Revision: Kids Enjoy Creating Nutritious Snacks

10. Chef Throws His Heart Into Helping Fee Needy
Revision: Chef Takes Pride Into Helping Feed Needy

11. Local High School Dropouts Cut In Half
Revision: Percentage of Local High School Dropouts Decrease By Fifty Percent

12. Hospitals Are Sued by Seven Foot Doctors
Revision: Seven Podiatrists Sue Hospital